i simply can't wait to hug her

I've been digging through invoices.  Grant related invoices.  IN ARMENIAN.However, pat me on the back and hand me a hogie, I finished a little while ago, and now it's time to employ me wee brain towards a more exciting end:  MY MOTHER IS PRACTICALLY ALMOST HERE.  This is my mother's first solo trip just about anywhere, and she's going as far as she possibly could go.  Go further than Armenia, and you're already on your way back home.  I'm proud of her attempting this massive leap, and I feel all that love in my soul knowing she's jumping on a plane for me.She texted me earlier wondering if I have a voltage converter.  My cell battery is dead, so I'm guessing at this point that it's about a hair dryer.  I'm fairly certain my mother hasn't been hair-dryer-less since the '70's.  She's trying to find a way around it, but I know she'd give up that defining, glowing-blonde do-up for me.Next week will be a fireball of a week.  I will experience the absolute heart-gush of seeing my mother for the first time in over 15 months.  I will enjoy every tiny moment of her week here, introducing her to favorite people and places and foods and sounds.  And I will cry a bucket or more when I take her back to the airport.Send out your prayers/thoughts/positive energies for my sweet mom's journey.  I simply can't wait to hug her.


dissolve, burst, rush


doing some drifting